Highest price of Nikkei 225 recorded
Today, Nikkei 225 is 38,707 yen which is exceeding 38000 yen recorded in the bubble period. On the 22nd of Febuary, Nikkei 225 marked its highest price in the Japanese history, exceeding 38957. The price continued to rise and on the 4th of March, the Nikkei 225 even went over 40,000 yen. There are three main causes to this rise. The first cause is that the US economy has been doing well. NY Dow has been increasing from $32500 to $38500 in the last three months. The second cause is the depreciation of the yen. USD / JPY (US Dollar / Japan yen) is 150 yen. Depreciation of the yen make a profit from export of Japan. The third cause is the Chinese economy. SSE composite index has been decreasing in the last two years. Some investors are changing their investments from China to Japan.
These causes show that the rise was due to the effects from outside Japan. These days, Nikkei 225 is heavily affected by foreign investors thus some people need to be vigilant when investing.